3 million square feet of industrial space
More than 6500 extra vehicle movements per day
24/7 operations onto our roads
24/7 light, noise and air pollution
1,200 - most are low paid/low skilled/insecure.
15 years for screening trees to reach half the height of the warehouses. They will never be hidden from view.
Noise & Light
Lit up 24/7. 365 days a year. Constant refrigeration noise.
Flooding risk. Anglian Water say on planning website 15/11/2021 the DHL "Development will lead to an unacceptable risk of flooding downstream".
Up to 24.5 metres (80ft) plus land elevation. Includes refrigeration capacity
Site Size
31.06 hectares (76 acres) - high density development.
Traffic Movement
Up to 400 vehicles movements at rush hour.
New mini roundabout onto single carriage A5 only 0.5 miles north of Tove roundabout.
FAILED PROMISE: To provide 'a new home' for Towcester Town FC with plans showing a clubhouse, car park and 3 pitches.
REALITY: DHL is providing the land only. NOTHING ELSE.
Site Size
12.8 acres - high density development.
60% of HGVs to use Silverstone Village past new schools. Stress on A43/A5 Tove & McDonalds Roundabouts and Towcester Centre
275 - mostly low paid/low skilled/insecure of which 107 already exist so all this concrete for only 168 jobs.
No public transport, no cycle route to Silverstone or Whittlebury. No green spaces, no wildlife corridors. Inadequate screening.
Noise & Light
Lit up and operating 24/7 every day of the year.
FAILED PROMISE: To provide high skilled jobs in small and medium business units based on the existing business use.
REALITY: High volume, low skilled warehouse shift work in high volume warehouses.
1. DHL Development
2. Podium Park - Whittlebury/Silverstone https://clowes.co.uk/project/podium-business-park/
Up to 21.5 metres (78ft) plus land elevation so in reality 28m high
Site Size
34 hectares (84 acres) - high density development.
New roundabout 0.8 miles east of current A43/A5 roundabout with pedestrian controlled crossing. The inevitable congestion will see increased heavy & light traffic trying to access A43 past The Shires and banking up at the Saracen's Head crossroads & onto Brackley Rd. More chaos in Towcester town centre.
1000-1500 low paid/low skilled/insecure.
Even the developer admits this figure is likely to be nearer 500.
Sustainability Pedestrians and cyclists will need to use the long Northampton Rd to access the site which will encourage car use.
Noise & Light
Lit up and running 24/7 - every day of the year.
Flooding Risk The A43 flooded near this site in December 2020. Flood risk in Towcester is Level 3 "Very High".
FAILED PROMISE: To ensure pedestrian safety.
REALITY: IMP will not provide a pedestrian footbridge over the A43, only a pelican crossing by the new Hulcote roundabout.
3. IM Properties - Tove Roundabout/Tiffield
Up to 11.5 metres (37ft) plus 3 metre elevation.
Site Size
4.5 hectares (11.12 acres).
Slow moving HGVs directly onto Green's Norton Road, between Rugby Club and A43/A5 Tove Roundabout including emergency vehicles needing to cross the Tove roundabout quickly, where will the queuing traffic move aside to?
FAILED PROMISE: Mixed use including Emergency Hub, Builders' Merchant, Car Showroom and B8 Warehouses.
REALITY: There is already a car showroom and a builders' merchant operating beside the Tove roundabout and the Planning Application shows the developer has increased the proportion of B8 warehousing since the initial proposal. How much more is coming?
More traffic trying to cross the Tove roundabout. Right turning HGVs will straddle the roundabout inhibiting free flow of north and east bound traffic.
Noise & Light
Lit up 24/7.
4. Woolgrowers - Tove Roundabout